Our team of qualified, BASOS registered scientists can provide assistance with fertiliser selection and application, ensuring your crop receives nourishment for optimal production. This is usually based on soil, leaf and sap analysis which ensures that not only are nutrients available in the soil, but they are taken up by the plant too. Should your crop require specific micro-nutrients, we are able to incorporate them into our products to minimize separate applications
The most important first step in regenerating soil health is to assess the soil and then make adjustments to improve the basic condition of the soil. These actions include addressing areas like pH adjustment, salt build-up, low humus / carbon content, improper cation balance and physical problems such as compaction, and low levels of soil microbiology. When soils are degraded, it often makes more sense to focus your budget regenerating these essential areas rather than spending more on fertilizers with diminishing results
While we do not believe that consultants can or should take the place of the farmer when it comes to decision making, our team can provide advice on the best farming practices to use for success in Organic and regenerative farming.
In Collaboration with our network of agents and consultants, Talborne has walked the road with many farmers who have switched from Industrial, synthetic farming to the sustainable practices of Organic and Regenerative farming. Although it is not as fraught with danger as the Agro-chemicals industry would have you believe, there are fundamental changes needed in your approach to farming. Talborne can assist by sharing best practices and providing relevant contacts in the field who can assist you further.
Because farming is incredibly complex, we believe that no single entity has all the answers, therefore we pride ourselves in ourability to assist our customers by linking them to our vast network of consultants, advisors, and industry bodies. That’s only possible through time spent in the industry and as pioneers in the soil health focussed fertiliser industry, Talborne has v.ast experience of working with innovative and successful farmers as well as witnessed farmers failing through poor planning or neglecting advice
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